Thursday 11 August 2011

New Blog

Could you follow my new blog guys please? There's no point in me posting stuff without followers.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Goodbye Paige!

The Bouss household isnn't working anymore,and so we say - goodbye Paige :(

Saturday 6 August 2011

Day 33: Lots of love

 PAIGE: Sierra, I'm sure you'll understand this when I tell you.. 
PAIGE: Your not bringing in any money and we need it...
SIERRA: If you want me to move out just say it..
PAIGE: Ok, I would
SIERRA: Well If you insist...
PAIGE: I've bought you a 40,000$ house, and that should be enough for you
SIERRA: More than enough. I'm gunna miss you..

PAIGE: Don't go all soppy on me Sierra...
SIERRA: Goodbye!

*If you'd like to continue reading about Sierra, check out her legacy here:*

Friday 5 August 2011

Day 30 & 32: France

 Me and Sierra went to France, as you know from the previous post.

 I ate yummy crepes! Sierra said she didn't want anything...
 PAIGE: Hi... Gerald. Who is that woman reading a book?
GERALD: Mademoiselle, that is my wife.
PAIGE: Ok, err, gotta go, see you later bye!
*I only wanted a new father*
 Look at my FLASH car. Haha, This makes Sierra's motercycle look retarded!
 PAIGE: Hello. Is you dad there?
*Runs indoors*
PAIGE: woops, better get out of here..
*mwah, mwah*
PAIGE: Nice to meet you Si Nan
SI NAN: And you Paige.
We kissed.
Kissed some more.
Made out...
And you know where this is going ;-)
PAIGE: Why on EARTH are we here? At a old abandoned mansion?
SIERRA: Because I met this guy at the cafe, he said he'd give us both makeovers.
PAIGE: I don't NEED a makeover
SIERRA: Paige, it cost me 200 dollars each, your getting a makeover.
PAIGE: Grr... 
I got new tops, shoes, trousers and dresses.
Sierra got new tops, dresses, skirts, a new butt and new boobs.
She's currently in denial of them being bigger than mine.

We did a mini photoshoot :P
& Sierra.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Day 29: Time flys when your having fun

                                                             Not much happened today...
Venus and Earth graduated from High School! Mars was asked to stay an extra year.

And Sierra told me she'd booked us both tickets to France! 
Venus and Earth agreed to babysit Saturn, even though she'd be going to boarding school the next day.

Next post will have all the juicy details about France! :)

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Day 28: Start fresh

 I love being woken up at 4am every morning by screaming, you can tell by my face.
 PAIGE: So Sierra.. I think we got off on the wrong foot...
SIERRA: I think so too... I've been a major b**** lately, and I'm not really like this.
PAIGE:(thinking) *Lol, you sure?*
 SIERRA: So.. I was gunna go to Waylon's Haunt later... Wanna come
PAIGE: Sure, why not..
 *Both laughing* 
SIERRA: That's the most fun I've had in really are a great person Paige..
PAIGE: I know... :P
 So we were out and we met some men... Mine is Bradley and Sierra's is JJ.
HBD Jupiter! Wow I need to get busy with Bradley don't I....

Day 27: Stalker

 Yes. This is my new house :D
 SIERRA: So, if there's only one cot, and a double bed, where do I sleep?
PAIGE: On the sofa.
SIERRA: Your not serious?
PAIGE: Get a job and it might give us enough money to get an extension. 
SIERRA: Fine. And I'm only doing this because I want to be a World Renowned Surgeon, not for you.
PAIGE: Cool, go to the hospital then. Oh wait, you don't have a car!*smirks*
SIERRA: No, I don't have a car, but I do have a moterbike!
 SIERRA: Haha sucker! Check me!
 SIERRA: I'll show her... I'll get a job!
 SIERRA: I got a job!
PAIGE: What as?
 SIERRA: An organ doner!
SIERRA: Well I'm getting paid so you can zip that loud mouth of yours.
PAIGE: Sorry, but that's just too funny!
SIERRA: Urgh... wait til I get a promotion. I'll show you!